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Exploring Human Creativity & Our Creative Life Force: A ‘Lighter Impact’ Podcast Interview

Upcoming ‘Lighter Impact’ podcast interview — featuring Social Impact Coach Besan Abu-Joudeh and Visual Expressionist Mayra Yadir — spotlights how to connect with, harness, and create impact with one’s creative life force.

POTOMAC FALLS, Va. – Dec. 16, 2024  — What creative forces lie within us? How do we connect with those forces, cultivate their goodness, and unleash them onto our world?

This is the topic of the upcoming Lighter Impact podcast with social impact coach Besan Abu-Joudeh and Mixed Media Artist and Visual Expressionist Mayra Yadir.

“For Season 2 of my podcast, I am focused on the creative life force, a crucial topic for this time in our world as well as a vital skillset that trained artists have; so I’m interviewing 10 artists from around the world to discuss, including Mayra Yadir,” shares Besan, who devotes her social impact practice towards nourishing mindfulness, somatics, and spirituality.

“The creative life force is indeed a vital topic in today’s times, especially in the growing context of generative AI art and mechanized creativity,” adds Mayra Yadir.

Besan’s Lighter Impact podcast can be found via the following platforms:

Season 2 episodes so far include:

To listen to Besan’s and Mayra Yadir’s podcast interview, please visit

Mayra Yadir, PhD(c), MFA, MA

Besan Abu-Joudeh

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Source : Mayra Yadir of Mayra Yadir Studio
Email :
Tags : Creativity, Creative Life Force, Mindfulness, Somatics
Industry : Art & Design
Location : Potomac Falls – Virginia – United States
Subject : Online Podcast